Along with our two most popular research fields on supercapacitors and batteries, we are developing a new line called as "Hybrid Energy Storage System", which is a combination of faradaic (battery-type) and capacitive (supercapacitors-type) electrodes in the same device, leading to high energy and high power performances.
Asymmetric Supercapacitors (Aqueous)
Hybrid Supercapacitors (Aqueous)
Li-ion Capacitor (Non-aqueous)
K-ion Capacitor (Non-aqueous)
​Related Publications:
Dubal D P, Ayyad O, Ruiz V, Gomez-Romero P, Hybrid Energy Storage: The merging of battery and supercapacitor chemistries, Chem. Soc. Rev. 44, 1777-1790 (2015) (Highly cited Review on WOS)
Moussa M, Al-Bataineh S A, Losic D, Dubal D P*, Engineering of high-performance potassium-ion capacitors using polyaniline-derived N-doped carbon nanotubes anode and laser scribed graphene oxide cathode, Appl. Mater. Today 16, 425-434 (2019)
Dubal D P*, Jagadale A, Chodankar N R, Kim D H, Gomez-Romero P, Holze R, Polypyrrole Nanopipes as a promising cathode material for Li-ion batteries and Li-ion capacitors: Two-in-One Approach. Energy Technol. 7, 193-200 (2019)
Dubal D P**, Gomez-Romero P*, All Nanocarbon Li-Ion Capacitor with High Energy and High Power Density, Materials Today Energy 8, 109-117 (2018)
Dubal D P*, Jayaramulu K, Janaky S, Kment S., Gómez-Romero P, Zboril R, Narayana C, Fischer R A, Metal–Organic Framework (MOF) Derived Electrodes with Robust and Fast Lithium Storage for Li-Ion Hybrid Capacitors. Adv. Funct. Mater.29, 1900532 (2019)