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Wearable Electronics

Over the past decade, with the continuous emergence of applications in various sectors (mobility, biomedical, consumer electronics, sports, clean energy and environmental), flexible and wearable microelectronic devices and systems have gained significant importance, which poses new challenges to well-established energy storage systems. For instance, new energy storage devices need to maintain high-quality performance under continuous mechanical deformation, such as bending, folding, twisting and stretching, for long cycles. In this context, our group develop highly flexible micro-supercapacitors by utilizing high performance electrode materials and polymer-gel-electrolytes. 


Recent progress in implantable/wearable healthcare devices (e.g., spirometers, sphygmomanometers and wristbands) has led to new self-sustainable energy storage devices being developed, which can harvest/store body energy (generated through actions such as breathing, arm pressing and chest compression) and power smart electronics.


In our group, we are currently developing flexible Piezo-Supercapacitors (PSCs) as a new integrated self-charging power cell (SCPC), which can harvest body-motions mechanical energy and store in a single unit to power implantable biomedical devices.

​Related Publications:

  • Dubal D P,* Chodankar N R, Kim D H, Gomez-Romero P, “Towards Flexible Solid-state Supercapacitors for Smart and Wearable Electronics”, Chem. Soc. Rev., 47, 2065-2129 (2018). (Highly cited Review on WOS)

  • Nagar B, Dubal D P, Pires L, Merkoci A, Gómez-Romero P, Fischer R A Design and Fabrication of Printed Paper-Based Hybrid Micro-Supercapacitor by using Graphene and Redox-Active Electrolyte. ChemSusChem 11, 1849-1856 (2018).  

  • Chodankar N R, Dubal D P, Ji S H, Kim D H, Self-Assembled Nickel Pyrophosphate-Decorated Amorphous Bimetal Hydroxides 2D-on-2D Nanostructure for High-Energy Solid-State Asymmetric Supercapacitor, Small, 15, 1901145 (2019) 

  • Dubal D P*, Abdel-Azeim S, Chodankar N R, Han Y K, Molybdenum Nitride Nanocrystals Anchored on Phosphorus-Incorporated Carbon Fabric as a Negative Electrode for High-Performance Asymmetric Pseudocapacitor, iScience 16, 50-62 (2019)

  • Dubal D P, Kim J G, Kim Y, Holze R, Lokhande C D, Kim W B, Supercapacitors based on Flexible Substrates: An Overview, Energy Technol. 2, 325-341 (2014).

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